I General provisions
Latvian Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (hereinafter – IDAL), VAT registration number: LV90001739473, address: Perses Street 2, Riga, LV-1442; e-mail address: pasts@liaa.gov.lv; undertakes to ensure the security of the personal information of the https://latvia.eu/ of the website of the IDAL (hereinafter referred to as the website) and its visitors and the protection of their rights by visiting and familiarising themselves with the content of the website of the IDAL.
This cookie policy is designed to get our website visitors additional information about the technologies used on the site and how we IDAL uses them.
II Information on cookies
Cookies are small letter and number files that are downloaded and stored on your computer or other device (such as a smartphone, tablet) and stored in your web browser during a site visit. You can use them to keep track of the pages you visit on your site, to store the information you enter, or to remember your choices, such as language settings, while browsing your site.
III Purpose and legal basis for the creation of cookies
Cookies are needed to make it easier for you to use the content we offer and find the information we need, and so we can get information about how visitors use our website. Cookies are also used to provide you with customized information about the content we offer.
We use different types of cookies that are deployed by default (such as “required” cookies), but we ask for your consent for individual cookies that are used for analytical and targeting purposes. When you consent to the cookie bar that appears when you visit the website, you choose whether you allow certain categories of cookies to be used.
IV Types of cookies and their application
We use three categories of cookies, but only two of them require user consent. You can agree to either or only one of the two categories of cookies. By agreeing to a category of cookies, you consent to all cookies in this category (see the detailed list of cookies below). You can change your choices and opt out of cookies at any time.
Required cookies: the cookies you need are essential and allow you access to different parts of your website. These cookies are saved to your computer, smartphone, tablet, or other device during site visits and browses, or for a specific time period. They are set up in response to your actions, which are considered requiring a service, such as setting privacy preferences, signing in, or filling out forms. These cookies are necessary for the operation of the website and therefore cannot be excluded and therefore user consent is not required for this cookie category.
Analytical cookies: Analytical cookies allow you to list the number and sources of visits so we can measure and improve the performance of our website. They help us understand which pages are the most popular and which are used the least often, as well as how visitors navigate our site. If you opt out of these cookies, your visit will not be included in our statistics, but will not limit your activities on our website at the same time.
Marketing cookies: Targeting cookies are used to identify the content you want on this website and provide you with the best information about our products and services, improve the customization of our content, and extend your experience on our site. These cookies can be used for our ad campaigns on third-party websites. If you agree to use these cookies, we may also receive information about the websites of our trusted partners where you have responded to our ads. If you opt out of these cookies, you’ll be offered generic and non-personalized ads.
V List of cookies used on site
Required cookies: These cookies make sure your site works properly by providing basic features. The website will not be able to function properly without these cookies.
cookies-accepted – stores information about the user’s choice in the cookie notification
deadline: 1 month
Analytical cookies: the website uses Google Analytics software cookies. These cookies provide anonymous information about the activities of the visitor on the website (e.g. page visited, date and time of visit, etc.), which is used for statistics and analysis, according to the stated purposes.
_ GA – registration of Ida for generating and using site visit statistics in Google Analytic
due: 2 years
CONSENT – Youtube.com video View Statistics
deadline: 2 years
_ GAT – uses Google Analytics to regulate the number of requests
due: 1 day
Marketing cookies: These cookies are determined by other companies that use the functionality they offer or have functionality associated with the website.
YSC – Youtube.com cookie
deadline: Cecy
YSCVISITOR_INFO1_LIVE – Youtube.com cookie
due: 5 months, 27 days
APISID; HSID; LOGIN_INFO; SAPISID; Sidos; SSID; __ secure – * – Youtube.com cookie
maturity: 1 year, 1 month
_ FBP; FR Facebook.com cookie
due: 3 months
VI Information on the consent given by the person to the creation of cookies
When you visit this site, a window is displayed to the user with a message that cookies are being used on the site. If you click the “agree” option, it will mean that you have accepted all cookies on the website that you confirm that you are familiar with the details of cookies, the purposes for which they are used, when the information is passed on to third parties.
No user consent is required for “required” cookies, as these cookies provide a complete and continuous display of the content of the https://labsoflatvia.com/ website so you can sign in to the website and receive the appropriate digital browsing and online experience.
VII Rejection of cookies
If you want cookies not to be used on your device, you can manage cookie choices by selecting cookies in the “accept/reject” cookie list used on their website. Note that such changes/choices may affect the functionality of your website, which may make it impossible for you to obtain content of interest to you.
VIII Revocation of consent
You can change what cookies you allow us to use at any time, or you can opt out of using cookies. You can opt out of all cookies except “necessary.”
If you want to consent or withdraw your consent for analytic and marketing cookies, click the “Unconsent” button.
IX Policy changes
If you have questions about the processing of personal data, we encourage you to contact your data Protection Professional datu.aizsardziba@liaa.gov.lv.
The LIAA has the right to change this cookie policy at any time. Any changes to the cookie policy will be published https://latvia.eu/.
Published: 30.03.2023